The Same Power
The Same Power: New Life 4-1-18
John 20:1-9
The Same Power: New Life
John 20:1-9, Romans 8:1-3,10-11
1) Easter is God’s great _________________ of Sin and Death
v1, “So now there is no condemnaon for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”
Key thought: Jesus Christ became _____________________________ ...
so we could become __________________!
2) Easter is God’s great ________________ Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. John 1:29
Tetelestai, ________________________ (See your Sin Debt Card)
Final Thought: The _________________________ that raised Jesus from the dead,
is the power of God that gives you __________________.
Series Information
Easter is not just a celebration of what happened some 2000+ years ago. It is the celebration of what God is doing right now. Over and over again, the Bible speaks to the reality that the SAME POWER of resurrection is available to us right now.