Going Through the Motions in Relationships

Aug 13, 2023 | Cory Pitts

Marriages that Thrive

Song of Solomon 8:6-7

The "place" where going deeper in our relationship with Jesus should show up more than any other place - is in those closest relationships The marriage relationship is a unique place that is to express our bing joined to Jesus. In Ephesians 5:19, Paul talks about the mystery of our marriage relationship mirroring the relationship of Christ to the church. One of the beautiful Hebrew words for love is dod - it is the idea of the two becoming one flesh - but it is more - it is the mingling of souls. What does it take to "go deeper" in marriage? Man up! The man leads the way. Don't be passive. It is not so much about being a good man as it is being good at being a man! What does a man need to do well? 1) understand and relate well to women, 2) understand and master his money, 3) self-control and self-mastery, and 4) how to be a brother to other men. Here is a question for all of us - do we default to being the thermometer or the thermostat in our relationship in the home? Do I set the spiritual temperature? Do I reflect the temperature of life's stresses? The four habits of joy-filled marriages: Play together, Listen for emotion, Appreciate daily, Nurture rhythm.

Going Through the Motions in Relationships

Marriages that Thrive

Song of Songs 8:6-7

Your marriage thrives when: (Song of Songs 8:6-7)

1. You clearly define your relationship. (8:6a)

Biblical definition: Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman, blessed by God, for the purpose of partnering in becoming more like Christ, pursuing God's call, and passing on the faith to those near and far.

2.You can confidently step into the purpose of marriage. (8:6b)

What is the purpose? To become more like Christ.

3. You passionately pursue the Lord and each other. (8:6c)

Be intentional about your relationship with the Lord and each other.

4. You build relational resilience. (8:7a)

Grow in grace.

5. You watch for the warnings. (8:7b)

Don't be passive.

Final Thought: Your marriage matters because it is a model. (Ephesians 5:31-32)

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