
The World Needs a Stable Influence

Throughout this study we will visit the fields around Bethlehem as God worked toward the coming of our Savior and His Son. The night Jesus was born, we are told shepherds were in those fields and they were visited by angels. But God’s footprints in and around Bethlehem had been evident for centuries … and if we look closely, in those stories we see much about the one to come.

Miracles Happen

It is easy for us to forget. We sometimes lament, “Why don’t miracles happen today?” They do. Not on demand. We don’t get to be in control. But God does. Always has.

Extraordinary God - Ordinary People

Isaiah 45:15 (NLT), “Truly, O God of Israel, our Savior, you work in mysterious ways.”

Isaiah 45:15 (MSG), “Clearly, you are a God who works behind the scenes, God of Israel, Savior God.”

God can and do great things in our lives, even against all odds—for His Glory and for our good.

Step Up! The Challenge is On!

Five words that will transform your life and our church: honor, serve, share, lead, and give.

1 Corinthians 15:58, “Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”

First “called” Christians

Are we “Christians” or do we just “call ourselves” Christians? Are we authentic? Or is it just a label we wear?

Who is My Neighbor?

Serving our neighbors opens doors for relationships and lives out what Christ has called us to.

Hot Topics 2.0

Hot Topics has been one of the most often requested and talked about series. We return to the challenging topics after laying a foundation of the importance of spiritual disciplines. It is important when dealing with the difficult subjects of life that we do so out of a growing spirituality that is rooted in the scriptures, the community of the church and an on-going relationship with the Father.  


In Training … for the Life to Come

Spiritual Disciplines made simple. Healthy habits that prepare us for the Hot Topics of this age. This series will help you put your hand on the rope for the journey of spiritual growth and development.




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270 887-0989 

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