
In the Waiting

Waiting is a part of life. We often are left wondering why is waiting such a big part of life. We need to know how the Lord uses waiting. We need to figure out what we are to do in the waiting. And We are to understand that there surely will come a day when we are to cease waiting—and move! How do we wait well?

Collapse: Finding God at the End of Me

When life crashes in upon you, where will you find your hope? David lamented in the aftermath of King Saul’s death, (2 Samuel 1:25), “Oh how the mighty have fallen.” That same reality will come to all of us. When life comes crashing in around you—and all you can do is collapse—you are in the right place to find God.

That's A Great Question

This series ideals with the tough questions of our day and age. How does the church respond to some of the accusations hurled toward Christian Faith?


With: It is such a tiny little word, but it has such great hope and potential. We all long to be “with”.

 Isaiah 7:14 is the basis of the series. Immanuel means, “God with us”. The single word “with” speaks to the major issues in our culture/world.

More Thankful

Money continues to be the biggest barrier to us having the “more abundant life” that God promised. Jesus has more to say about wealth, money, and giving than most anything else. We all tend to think, “If I just had more...” then all my problems would be fixed. "If I had more…" then I would be more thankful. We miss the mark. Life is so much more than money. But either you master it, or it will master you. The more you live life according to God’s economy, the more thankful you will be.




Service Times


7:45 AM    9:00AM    10:15AM  11:30AM


Kids, Students, & Adult Programming - 6:00 - 7:15PM

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Office Hours

Monday - Friday

7:30AM to 4:00PM

270 887-0989 

© 2024 New Work Fellowship   |   5050 Canton Pike, Hopkinsville, KY US 42240