The New Year is a great time to reflect deeply upon what is necessary. Too much of our lives are spend on “autopilot” and we run, run, run—until we find we have run ourselves, our finances, our families and even our faith ragged. There is another way-- one where we have room to breathe, time for our families, and space for what God has planned. Simplicity in life allows us to establish margin in our living.
Christmas is a season filled with wonder. From the focus and response of children on Christmas morning to the miracle of the birth of Christ, including the responses of the "characters" of the Christmas story-- in a word, it is simply WONDER! The wonder for "wonder-sake" but ultimately Wonder that points to God.
The Scriptures begin and end in a Garden. Gardens are metaphors for blessings and goodness. From Eden to Revelation, God has carefully woven blessing into our lives. We simply need to stroll through the gardens to see the blessings and to express our thanksgiving.
God is generous. We are created in His image and for His glory. We were born for generosity! A generous life reflects the character and love of God because He has set the example of generosity.
Praising God for his faithfulness, we celebrate the ground breaking of our "Time is Now" facility expansion. Pastor Kevin reads in scripture of God's faithfulness through the ages and encourages us to continue to look for it in the future.
Fathers can establish identity, value and worth into their children in the way they love them. The love of our heavenly Father is greater than anything we ever could understand. As fathers, our primary responsibility is to exemplify this heart of our heavenly Father toward our children. Listen to this sermon to see what scripture says about the love of a parent.
Using the book of James as a backdrop, this series will outline practical realities for Christian living in today's culture. Key to all of it... the necessity to hold two principles on constant tension: LOVE and TRUTH. One without the other skews everything. Love Truth. Truth Loves.
Sometimes a seemingly calm body of water can have hidden, yet treacherous, undercurrents that can sweep us off our feet and pull us into deeper water. The same thing can happen in our lives; anxiety, anger, and grief are just some of the "undercurrents" that can pull us into places we'd rather not go. How the believer deals with these crises is a testimony to the outside and an opportunity to be drawn closer to the Father.
God has got great plans for you! When we choose to follow Him, He gives us life now and for all eternity. He forgives our past, blesses us in the now, and prepares for us in Heaven. This series points to a reveals all that God has in store for those that come to Him.