Grace Marriage
Do you want a better marriage? Do you want to grow in enjoyment of one another? Do you want to protect your marriage? Do you want to launch your marriage out of a stagnant pattern into a growth pattern? Do you want to get on the same page as your spouse so you can be more effective?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, join a Grace Marriage group at New Work Fellowship!
What is Grace Marriage?
- An intentional, proactive approach.
- A time to establish and pursue goals together.
- A wellness, protection, and growth model.
- A chance to re-focus on positives and create a refreshing atmosphere.
- An opportunity to address issues in a safe place.
What will I do in Grace Marriage?
- Use biblical grace-based materials to spark creative thought.
- Think, pray, and apply principles to your marriage and family.
- Talk with your spouse, plan, schedule, and grow together.
- Establish goals and proactively work toward them.
- Share and receive insights with and from other couples.
What Grace Marriage is not:
- Marriage counseling.
- A seminar or conference.
- A traditional small group/class.
- A place where you will be forced to share your deepest secrets.
The basis for Grace Marriage:
- Your marriage is secure when it is based on the foundation of the grace of Christ.
- You are refreshed by the love and grace of God instead of beat up for your deficiencies.
- When you both live according to grace and not your performance, you can identify issues and grow with no condemnation.
- Grace Marriage is a positive approach focused on the proactive pursuit of your spouse as you extend grace to them.
How Grace Marriage works:
- 6-Week Wednesday Night Study Starting October 4 and going through November 15 (No study on October 11 for Fall Break).
- Group size will vary according to registration.
- Led by a trained facilitator.
- Participation includes Wednesday Night children's programming and marriage workbooks.
- Registration is Free.
What would your relationship be like if you could…
- together to create an exciting vision for your marriage?
- ...not only have your marriage survive, but also to grow in support, closeness, and enjoyment of one another?
- ...prioritize and invest in your marriage, making it a source of life and grace?
- ...have a blast together and have God use it to draw others to Him?
Your marriage group, in combination with these Grace Marriage group guides, is created to help you do just that!
FALL 2023 Meeting Dates
-- 6-Week Wednesday Night Study --
October 4 | October 18 | October 25 | November 1 | November 8 | November 15